Saturday, September 22, 2007

Week 8, Evaluation and Authentication

Lots of people in the world use the World Wide Web for everyday jobs. You will find that people generally believe most things they read; why wouldn't they? You would never go to a website and believe that it's not real. If it's not real why would it be there? That is one of the questions you need to ask yourself. Every time you are surfing the Web you need to be aware that not everything you read will be entirely true. It may be a version of the truth, but not what actually happened. We need to remember that anyone can write and edit information on the Web, so it is important to make sure that you have evidence to prove your point.

The World Wide Web started in December 1969 and began with four host computers until it branched out two years later as more hosts were developed. The Web started off in America and after ten years had made itself known around the world.

If you're being asked a question and need to find the answer make sure you look on the right pages. You need to know exactly what it is that you need to find or you may be looking for a while. Make sure when you're reading information that it first makes sense ( e.g. correct grammar and spelling) and secondly make sure what you are looking at is true. Go to another website on the same topic and see if the information matches up.

You should always check who wrote the website and what their qualifications are. A perfect example is if they are a pilot and the website is on sharks it might not be too useful if he doesn't really know very much about marine life.

You need to identify why this web page is here. Is it here to give us information or to persuade our thoughts? You should try and look ahead and ask yourself what isn't being said.

The Psychedelic 60's
This site has a lot of information on what happened in the 60's. It is set out simply so that if you don't find what you need you can continue searching. It was published at the library of the University of Virginia. It was last updated on the 24th July, 2007. This page was designed to tell young people what happened in the 60's.

Sixties Project
This website has good contact information on the home page. It has an email address, PO Box as well as where it was designed. It was last updated in January 1999, which means it's not too modern. The point of this website is for people who lived in the sixties to write, for example, a blog on what they felt the sixties were about. This website would not be very good for information because anyone can post on it and it's just that person's opinion.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 7, Using the WWW

The World Wide Web (WWW) was first invented for facilities to share information. There are many different resources that people use to put information online. Some of these resources are .com, .org, . net, .gov and .edu.

There are many different browsers people can use to surf the WWW (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape and FireFox). Each browser will has a tool bar to access shortcuts to the Net. You have a home page button which takes you to your home page when you first open the Internet, Back and Forward buttons to move from page to page and back again, as well as Print, Favourites, Help and many more. Most standard keyboards have these buttons as features as well.

Haggis Hunt
Haggis Hunt has attempted to look authentic by having a site that is well set out and formatted nicely, as well as having a simple URL and correct grammar and spelling. This website seems believable because one of the prizes that it offers is a stay in a country castle offering high quality accommodation.

* Not a real animal.
* Only pictures are of cartoons which proves there not a real animal.
* Camera not moving.
* Three animals and one cooked haggis.

This website is well organised and well presented. Throughout the web page their leader says welcome and thank you at the end of most pages. They also have a flag that is shown on every page.

* Visitors must not come unannounced
* Only allowed to have a short visit.
* Navy boats are blowup boats.
* Soldier appears in every picture and looks around 15 yrs old.

Our reading Search Engine Tutorial was there to help us understand search engines and how they work. This has many articles to explain how to help you search better. Using a search engine can be quite easy if you know what you are searching for. You need to be specific when searching; only use a couple of keywords which describe what you are looking for. If you are looking for a couple of related topics use the + symbol so that the searcher knows you want to find both.

A Little History of the World Wide Web explains to us in short every little change to the Web in the last 50 years to become what it is today. In the 1980's, Tim Berners-Lee invented the notebook program. As the years continue more and more helpful tips are being advanced on the World Wide Web.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 6, EndNote Libraries

This Week's lecture was on using Endnote. Endnote is a program to help you with referencing correctly, both in-text and in reference lists. Endnote can be used; as a Standalone program, or Integrated into MS Word. Endnote is a database which stores your references in any style you need (eg. APA 5th). You basically type all your information about the Journal article or book in each category and save it as an APA reference. Endnote will put all your references in alphabetical order so it will be easier to find. Endnote is a very easy way to store references so you don't misplace or lose them.

I wasn't there for the tutorial this week so I had to do all my tutorial work at home. One of the hardest of our tutorial worksheets. I found Endnote to be very confussing when setting up your first library, but once I knew what I was doing it was quite simple. Setting up my Endnote library using Workshop Supplemental was a really time consuming task. I found it difficult to tell the difference between a Journal Article and book by just looking at them. After I figured it out it was pretty straight forward. My references were all correct to the ECU APA referencing guide.

Guide to Endnote v9 @ ECU is a resource about how to set up endnote and how it works. Endnote is used a lot by undergrad students to help them save time when writing an essay or report. Endnote is a guide to help students reference their work correctly and at a proper standard.

This resource shows you step by step how to build your Endnote library. It starts by showing you how to save Endnote library and you should always save an Endnote library as the same name as your document, so you can locate it easier. When adding a reference you always need to make sure you put in the right reference type eg. Book, Journal Article and website, because all types are different and when it comes to putting them in an end text reference it will leave out some important information.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Week 5, Information Management

Our lecture about Information Management was very helpful in showing us how to manage all the information we receive during our undergrad degree. Starting with folders on our flash drives for every unit is the best way to go. From that you can start branching off smaller folders on essays, PowerPoint's and images.

Atom-based information has a lot of pros and cons on why we should use them. With atom-based information such as books, I find the cons way out the pros for me. Especially way out the pros. On the other hand bit-based information is more easier to use. It's a very flexible way to keep information is real or fake. A lot of goods and services have changed from atom to bit form eg. banking, email and music. This can be very helpful for businesses to make a little money. The many steps to organise your bits can make it very easy to locate a piece of work.

In our tutorial we needed to learn how to save useful websites using bookmarks or favourites on the Internet. My three bookmarks were very quick and easy to put in because I already had an idea on how bookmarks work.

The DNA of Information
Most of society today use atoms and bits to collect and store information. Although both great ways of sourcing it, they are also not too reliable on both behalf's.

Although atoms come in a form of newspapers, books and magazines it is not always 100% reliable. You could easily lose a newspaper or magazine, by misplacing it or someone just taking it. With books they can go out of print. Not the best way to keep information. Even if Atoms are not the best option bits can easily have their own problems, you don't know who is writing your specific information or better yet you don't even know if what they are saying is true.

People today do rely on bits more so than atoms because its more flexible and its faster in our rapidly changing world. No one wants to sit around reading a book to find information they need
if you can simply type in some keyword on your computer.

We can also find pros on both atoms and bits. You will always know what you are reading in a book or newspaper is true to some extent, because you get all the background information on the writer so if they were by any chance just making something up it can be proven. Also with atoms no one can just go into your book and change it around like bits.

Bits is the source most easiest to use because its easy to edit so if you don't like what someone has written you can edit it into something more understandable. It's also easier to keep by storing it in folders on your computer instead of having books all over you workspace.

However,its completely up to you. You might like reading books for your information or you might want it given to you straight up. The case, you need to make sure its real and not something someone has messed around with.

Our reading Information Management & Electronic Environments was a good source on showing us how to keep ourselves organised in our studies. Reading about organisation in storing my information and work helped me reorganise my flash drive and home computer to a way which is more useful in saving my work. Only having twenty items in each folder made it easier to find stuff but harder to divide all my information up.

Using bookmarks or favourites on the Internet is a great way to save good websites because it is a bit of a pain when you need to write down the address of a website when it's really long.

Copying and pasting is a great way to cut down on paper use as a student. Just finding the information you need and copying it also saves you time when looking for information because you won't need to re-read the whole document again.