Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 7, Using the WWW

The World Wide Web (WWW) was first invented for facilities to share information. There are many different resources that people use to put information online. Some of these resources are .com, .org, . net, .gov and .edu.

There are many different browsers people can use to surf the WWW (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape and FireFox). Each browser will has a tool bar to access shortcuts to the Net. You have a home page button which takes you to your home page when you first open the Internet, Back and Forward buttons to move from page to page and back again, as well as Print, Favourites, Help and many more. Most standard keyboards have these buttons as features as well.

Haggis Hunt
Haggis Hunt has attempted to look authentic by having a site that is well set out and formatted nicely, as well as having a simple URL and correct grammar and spelling. This website seems believable because one of the prizes that it offers is a stay in a country castle offering high quality accommodation.

* Not a real animal.
* Only pictures are of cartoons which proves there not a real animal.
* Camera not moving.
* Three animals and one cooked haggis.

This website is well organised and well presented. Throughout the web page their leader says welcome and thank you at the end of most pages. They also have a flag that is shown on every page.

* Visitors must not come unannounced
* Only allowed to have a short visit.
* Navy boats are blowup boats.
* Soldier appears in every picture and looks around 15 yrs old.

Our reading Search Engine Tutorial was there to help us understand search engines and how they work. This has many articles to explain how to help you search better. Using a search engine can be quite easy if you know what you are searching for. You need to be specific when searching; only use a couple of keywords which describe what you are looking for. If you are looking for a couple of related topics use the + symbol so that the searcher knows you want to find both.

A Little History of the World Wide Web explains to us in short every little change to the Web in the last 50 years to become what it is today. In the 1980's, Tim Berners-Lee invented the notebook program. As the years continue more and more helpful tips are being advanced on the World Wide Web.

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