This weeks lecture was based on Data, Information and Knowledge. We found the meaning to each and were shown ways on how each work. Justine discussed the charactaristics, importance, relationship between the three and some examples. We learnt how to use these three examples in a way to study and learn information.
*Data - Individual facts, statistics, or items of information.
*Information - knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news.
*Knowledge - acquaintance with facts, truth, or principles, as from study or investigation.
The relationship between data, information and knowledge may help you through your university year. Firstly you start with data; during university you receive lots of data that helps you to learn. Afterwards you find that it’s helpful when writing an essay because in the essay you use that data as information. Lastly all the data and information you have learnt becomes knowledge because you will use it in your everyday life.This weeks lecture was based on Data, Information and Knowledge. We found the meaning to each and were shown ways on how each work. Justine discussed the charactaristics, importance, relationship between the three and some examples. We learnt how to use these three examples in a way to study and learn information.
*Data - Individual facts, statistics, or items of information.
*Information - knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news.
*Knowledge - acquaintance with facts, truth, or principles, as from study or investigation.
Our readings this week were all about data, information and knowledge, with a little information on wisdom. Our first reading Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom was discussing in more detail what each mean and how we use them in relation to each other. Our next reading Information Literacy was a tutorial with short lessons to take about information literacy. After each lesson you had a mini test. Our last reading was all about the relationship between data, information and knowledge and some questions you ask you self when hearing the three.
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