Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 3, Presentation Strategies

My Presentation on Marine Life
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Top 5 Strategies
Start off confident
Keep Thesis Statement clear
Keep Presentation short rather then to long
Have a little humour
Interact with your audience

This week's lecture was on Presentation Strategies. There are different types of ways you can present your work at a university standards. Most assignments whether oral or written have three main structures; introduction, body and conclusion. An introduction is just explaining in short what you are going to write about or talk about. The Body is your main ideas on the issue. You normally have three main points that you would go more into detail in your body. A conclusion is just a quick summary of what was said during your asignment. We were also shown a great program for oral presentations; Microsoft PowerPoint.

Our tutorial this week was on making our own short presentations using PowerPoint. We had five main points we had to include and our topic could be on anything we liked.My presentation was on Marine Life. I focused on my favourite animals; dolphins, sharks and whales.
We also had to make a list of five strategies we would work on in a presentation to help us achieve a great standard of presentation.

This week's reading Oral Presentation Advice was very helpful. It basically showed us step by step what you should think about and follow when you are doing a presentation.It also had some good information on how you give a bad oral presentation. There were a couple of things in there that were going on my top five strategies on what not to do in my oral Presentation.

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