Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 2, Office Applications

This week's lecture was about what Microsoft Office program to use for any assignment we produce during our university degree as well as real life circumstances. We were also shown a little information on what each program involves.

The two exercises for this week's tutorial were on Microsoft Word and Excel. The Microsoft Word exercise was about formatting our assignments in APA style, as well as showing us a little about references. Microsoft Excel was getting us to put digits into cells and inserting a formula, so that it calculates the sum of the numbers we inserted.

One of our readings was to help us do the Word exercise. It showed us step be step how to do each part of the exercise. We also had to learn how to do a screen capture and learn how to save it as a jpg. file. It also explained how to cut our screen shot so that we only have the important bit in our shot.

The reading Adobe Photo Shot was about each format you can save your image to. We are using the format jpeg, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. This format is used mostly for images off the Internet, because it keeps the image quality better.

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