Monday, August 6, 2007

Week one in UPC0004

Our first lecture was simply an introduction to our unit, showing us what is involved.This lecture was really helpful in getting us to understand how the next semester was going to run.

Our tute on Tuesday got us to set up a blogger for our online journals and also photo bucket so we can work with photos. Justine also gave a quick run through of SIMO, Emails and MyECU.

I found capturing a screen shot quite difficult at first because I didn't actually know where the button was to take the screen shot. But after finding it the rest was pretty simple.

I read "How PC's Work" first because it seemed a lot more interesting. This reading was about getting to know your computer. It talks about all the different parts and how they fit in to the computer.

In "PC Lube and Tune" it was more about the history of the computer. Talking about how they have become what they are today.

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